Sharewood, that space for citizen experimentation that brings people together around woodworking

Sharewood, that space for citizen experimentation that brings people together around woodworking

The aspirations of citizens change with the times. And sometimes places are a reflection of that. Rue Bourel, between the northern departments of Marseille and the Belle de Mai district, No. 47, with its large windows and generous attitude, has long been occupied by car dealerships … But for three years these brands have relegated to another, more obscure one: Charwood.

The word, written in capital letters, is clearly a reference to Sherwood Forest from Robin Hood. Specifically, at the front of the parking lot, a small wooded area has taken root. A few trees, shrubs, and aromatic plants don’t go unnoticed on this very mineral trail. Upon searching, we discover that the display case, which once housed cars, is filled with wooden work benches. All that remains of the last decade are cacti that, over the years, have managed to make their way to the ceiling.

wood as a unit

It all started in 2016 “, explains Roman Abul, president and co-founder of Sharewood. With two friends – Simon, an engineer who worked in carpentry, and Vincent, an architect – they wanted to find a professional activity that would allow them ” Control our lives and follow our desires Desire to make the world a little better. To keep politics out of parties, in the most radical sense of the term: “ It has a positive impact on city life “. Mix the masses that do not meet in a city characterized by very clear social and territorial divisions. Promote the professional integration of those who are far from work and suffer from poverty. Give prospects to young people. Promote an economy compatible with the borders of the planet, based on the principles of participation … and among all these issues, they find a common vector: wood.

Wood is a resource that all people, regardless of their level of wealth, use their language. It offers endless possibilities. It is an ingredient with which we can imagine many recipes to enhance the exchange, acquisition and transmission of knowledge, by mixing masses Not forgetting his sensory characteristics, to which Sandrine is particularly sensitive, he was a former psychomotor therapist who became a regular here.” The wood smell is amazing. And touch it too. It is tangible. It is very relaxing and stress relieving “.

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In the beginning, you came here as a private, to be trained as a carpenter. For 75 Euros, I had access to machines that cost 20,000 Euros. And then, here, we’re not judging you. I’ve seen people come in who don’t know how to do a drill and that’s not a problem Once I had the basics of woodworking I proceeded to set up the CAP, accompanied by Sharewood. Initially, I wanted to pass this diploma in order to improve my knowledge and be independent. She is now contemplating a conversion project. He is currently doing a month-long internship with a local pro, Angelo.

Sharewood Authority

Individuals, professionals and various groups

We welcome many audiences »summarizes Roman Abul. People like Sandrine. Groups: social centers, people with disabilities, business for construction team, Integration structures … but also professionals: ” Many self-started entrepreneurs. It can be for retraining or after training. This is the caseu Training teacher Sandrine, Angelo, 26, who picked Charwood after a tortuous journey like starting point. Trained with the Compagnons Bâtisseurs, this young Varois has wanted to start for a long time. “ But the fees are very high “.

Hn as a resident, Has access to professional equipment. Above all, Sharewood allows him to contact other craftsmen and clients, lthe third place Acting as a Business Provider, is regularly solicited by affiliate individuals and professionals. “ Here, everything is going very quickly in the sense that what you can get in ten years on your own, you will get in two or three years. For example, a university photographer engaged me to renovate the scenography of the Naval Museum in Toulon. I also managed to work at Château Lacoste. If I were not here, I would never have had these connections “.

New ways of working and HThe job economy

One of the pillars of this third position is the implementation of new ways of working, a term favored by Roman Abol’s Spanish translation. Citizen experimentation place “I will tell him more. ” We want Suggest a way to work independently but not in isolation. There is a kind of interdependence between everyone. Solidarity that allows many to respond to large projects and to deal with large groups “.Maybe in the future under public regulations.” We are in discussions with the city of Marseille about this “.

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This is amazing Solidarity goes hand in hand with a The job economy The second pillar of the project. ” We question the idea of ​​ownership with assembly of machines and universal access to quality tools “.

sServices provided to the community

To finance this project, Sharewood relied on contributions from France Active, the region and banks. With the ambition, at the outset, to a place to be entirely self-financed thanks to its receipts. Income from resident subscriptions and training provided (initiation and preparation for CAP as a free candidate), DrAlso selling reversible yurt-type habitats Made on siteAnd Increasingly popular to meet the challenges of non-artificial soil.

but If financial independence was a goal in the beginning ventureAnd The team surrenderedH s accountThe services you provide to the community. need toto urge.

In human terms, we see that people who come here regain confidence in themselves and their ability to function and work together. From an economic point of view, it allows the acquisition of useful knowledge to transfer activities, In the timber trade, but also in the metallurgy we use as well.

Ht in this Occupations where labor needs are great, noWe help create a link between labor supply and demand Especially then manage to process slim. ” Many do not dare to start because They have the image of the male profession but meHere, they come naturally, experiment, and see that it’s possible. After that, they were able to push the CFA door much easier “.

to Kindly that Sharwood againstAs is to many third places, aim now 80% self-financing and 20% support.” For the time being, subsidies have been taken by the state-supported domestic manufacturing label. added to it Indirect support from the General Organization for Lands with a moderate rent And local authorities, the city in particular, ” You want us to work together. The city is particularly interested in the modes of governance in the third places, and their flexibility and flexibility “. Especially that” we Let’s answer several aspects of their roadmap “.

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Charwood 2

An indispensable regional anchor

Three years later The head is in the handlebars “, I’The team now has six people and plans to hire two work-study students to start the school year, Can finally engage more seriously in building projects. Like that held by a consortium of representatives Introductions joined by: Lica, third party Specialist in collective intelligence and digital technology, Compagnons du tour de France, the district management organization Service 13 or the association Appel d’aire, which carries out remobilization procedures with young people who have left school or have been placed in the hands of the justice system. ” This is a very broad project that aims to adapt each person to lead him to all kinds of training, more or less involved “. All of this is based on an approved skills frameworkHby Digital Badges, a LICA specialty, And Powered by AiUniversity x-Marseille to evaluate the device.

With this project, Sherwood RStrongly mooring in its territory. YuRoman Apollo is a major theme for the third place to have meaning. ” For such a place to work, it must be built jointly with everyone. It adapts to the specifics of the audience “But we have to face an obstacle: the fragility of these spaces, which are generally occupied on a temporary basis.” We need to find continuity “.

several tracks So the study. IAnd buy the land from them. Just like a file moving house in a larger area. “ Here, we can no longer accommodate everyone. But do we want to expand further? The question is open.

Sharewood can also be dismissed in other subjects. ” Tension can be in all sectors. we Think for example of a place about health in the broadest sense “. A healthy place for everyone While access to care and prevention remains unequal; And Everyone, andWe open the doors of these professions to more diverse audiences than ever before.

IThird venues exist to respond to local issues with strong causes of local democracy. making them prominent political actors, capable, if only by limited means, of to change things to inside Much more by action than by speeches.