see you  The next neighborhood meeting will be held in Espace d’Albret

see you The next neighborhood meeting will be held in Espace d’Albret

It is a meeting that citizens value by being able to debate with broken sticks with elected officials. At the end of October, Nerac Mayor Nicolas Lacombe and the municipal team moved within Peter County, to hold the first county meeting since the new term of a city councilman. An opportunity to discuss everyday issues with residents, such as speed in neighborhoods, garbage collection and many other topics.

On Wednesday December 1, at 6.30 pm, on Espace d’Albret, a second meeting will be held in the neighborhood, this time for the residents of the third district, namely the citizens of Garen in Nazareth and up to the numbers from Jean Jaures Street. As in Peter County, the meeting will start with a slide presentation attached by the Mayor of Nerac who will explain the work of the municipality, its various tasks and the projects implemented over the coming years.

individual interviews

Then comes the time for the exchange between the public and elected officials.

At the end of the meeting, several elected officials will be available to receive residents individually in order to resolve personal issues.

To do this, a file is produced on site and the municipal team undertakes to follow up on the various issues raised within 15 days.

In his campaign commitments, Mayor Nicolas Lacombe promised to reconvene meetings in neighborhoods. If the health context delays their requests, these meetings will be held in 11 sectors identified by the city council.

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Additionally, details of the different areas can be consulted on the municipality’s brand new website, while the municipality distributes flyers to each mailbox once the meeting is prepared in the area.

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