Scientists say the first radio telescope in Brazil will be ready in 2023

Scientists say the first radio telescope in Brazil will be ready in 2023

Researchers involved in the project to build the first radio telescope in the Brazilian hinterland have published in Paraíba the first seven essential articles outlining all the scientific questions involved in the manufacture of Baryonic acoustic vibrations from integrated observations of neutral gases (Bingo, in a nice acronym).

During a press conference on Wednesday (3), one of the project’s lead authors, Elsio Abdallah, Ph.D. and professor at the University of the South Pacific Institute of Physics, noted that one of BINGO’s goals would be to observe “parts of the universe that we don’t see.”

According to the press release published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, the telescope, the result of a collaboration between scientists from the University of São Paulo (USP), the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Europe and China and from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) will be the first to capture acoustic baryonic oscillations and radio bursts. Express (FRB).

The published articles are a strong and important part of the project, they describe the methods and technology used, the way the analyzes will be done and all the scientific issues for a project of this size.

The first Brazilian radio telescope will be ready in 2023 according to

Brazilian radio telescope project to be installed in the outback of Paraíba. Credits: BINGO Radio Telescope Project

Thus, it will be possible to study and test the ΛCDM (Lambda CDM) model, which is associated with cold dark matter and has the Big Bang theory as a background. According to Professor Abdullah, there are two types of dark objects known in the universe: dark matter and dark energy.

While the concept of dark matter was defined by the researcher himself as a “liquid” that unites everything in the universe. Dark energy is still an abstract concept, about which not much is known. This is the cosmic part in which the Brazilian Radio Telescope will operate.

More than one bingo function

Because of BINGO’s versatility, a secondary focus is astrophysics, where it can help observe fast radio bursts (FRBs) and other transient phenomena, as well as study galactic and extragalactic science.

Work is still at an early stage, but the entire machine is expected to be ready by the end of the first half of 2023. Although the entire project was designed in Brazil, it received investments from several countries, especially China, and reached a value of about 30 million riyals so far.

“Science gives us answers. Sometimes today, sometimes in days, sometimes over the years, but it always gives us an answer and changes society,” emphasized the Physician.

regional and technological development

The town of Aguiar, in Paraíba, was chosen to house the radio telescope, because it is in a convenient location for observing the sky, as well as being a strategic point, when considering the problems of electromagnetic interference from Earth.

Professor Abdullah indicated during the press conference that the project will enhance regional development by building roads and creating job opportunities, and contribute to tourism in the city.

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