Scientists believe that space is full of invisible walls

Scientists believe that space is full of invisible walls

— © NASA/JPL-Caltech/S. Stolovy (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech)/ Wikimedia Commons

Space has always been intrigued, and studies of just how big we are are multiplying time and time again. One theory suggests that space will be filled with invisible walls.

Some current scientific theories suggest that the smallest galaxies in the universe are certainly distributed around other galaxies called “host galaxies.” But observations have shown that these galaxies actually organize themselves into thin disks around their hosts, just as we see with Saturn’s rings. So we can see a gap between theory and knowledge. Thus, to narrow this gap, researchers have released a new file hypothesis. Smaller galaxies can fit in with invisible walls, created by a new class of particles called symmetries.

The standard theory, known as the Lambda-CDM model, proposes that the universe consists of three main components: the cosmological constant, which turns out to be a parameter found by Einstein to explain his equations and theories of general relativity, but also cold dark matter made up of particles It moves slowly, emits no radiation, and finally a traditional material that we interact with every day. Thus, this theory suggests that smaller galaxies should be attracted by the gravitational pull of the host galaxies. Now two researchers from the University of Nottingham may have found a detailed explanation in new Study that has not yet been evaluated permanently.

This study suggests that the “fifth force” can organize galaxies into disc shapes, given the presence of dark matter, the mysterious substance that appears to make up the vast majority of the universe’s mass. Particles called symmetries, which researchers have used to explain gaps in our knowledge of the universe, can generate this famous fifth force, forming “walls,” or boundaries, in space. “We know we need new particles because we have dark matter and dark energy and so we think we’ll have to add new particles to our Standard Model to account for these things.”said Anish Naik, a researcher at the University of Nottingham and lead author of the pre-study publication. “It is the context in which people study theories like symmetry theory. It is a new candidate particle for dark energy and/or dark matter.”, he added. Thus, these particles form invisible walls. These walls can then induce smaller galaxies to form disks around much larger host galaxies.

— © NASA, ESA and Hubble Heritage Team STScI/AURA)/ Wikimedia Commons

Many questions remain unanswered, and Naik and fellow University of Nottingham physicist Claire Bragg still have much work to do to solidify the theory.

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