Scientific Worker Disability Exhibition

Scientific Worker Disability Exhibition

A tandem of three, including a disabled person, is exposed to QR codes to scan to discover atypical paths to success…. There is no shortage of ideas from middle and high school students for the Science Factor competition, the winners of which will be announced On Wednesday 20 March. A meeting of two groups that put science at the service of inclusion.

There's nothing better than experiencing the process from idea to project to get a taste of scientific innovation. Across France, since 2011, dozens of middle and high school students participate in the competition every year. Science factor.. Each year, an award is given to a project that provides a solution to a disability-related problem. The competition also highlights winners of previous editions who have succeeded in turning their ideas into reality.

Freedom bike

From left to right: José, Sasha, Margot, Ginoli. © Dr

In sixth grade in Dol-de-Bretagne, Margot searched for an innovative idea about cycling, which she would love to practice. So she suggested to her comrades José and Ginoli that they work on a “trilogy”. A model that allows riding with a cyclist with disabilities. Three-seater tandem (triple), front, with a real seat and without pedals, is intended for the seated person who plays a main role: holding the steering wheel.

Next, the trio went to Sasha, a wheelchair student from another class, and took her on the adventure. His wise advice made it possible, for example, to improve the project by adding elements of comfort. “It was great to work together, especially with the idea of ​​giving more freedom to people with limited mobility like me.”, comments Sasha. For her part, Margo realized how much people with disabilities wanted to exercise like others.

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The project is only in the prototype stage.. But the group hopes that, if it wins, it will benefit from the support of the Science Factor team to make it happen.

Exhibition on the starting blocks

This satisfaction of realization, team”1 dream possible” He tries it. Last year, Jade and Alexis, high school students majoring in audio-visual subjects at Jean Prevost High School (Montevilliers), and Vadella, a middle school student in Ulysse's class at Jean Moulin College (Le Havre), won the Handinomic Award and the Handinomic Award. Innovation Award in Education. Their interactive exhibition highlighting success stories of people with disabilities is about to go live. Their target: schools, middle and high schools, first in their region (around Le Havre) and then throughout France.

Instead of panels with very long texts, they preferred a more playful medium. Thirteen very simple stations, with visual images and a few words written on paper, just to make you want to scan a QR code. There, a one-minute video, prepared by the youth group, begins showing a success. Comedian Quentin Rateauville, chef Gregory Quilron, director Steven Spielberg… but also missing characters.

Real success? do what you want

Alexis, who has multiple disorders (autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dysarthria), faced strong motivation from Jade, whose cousin has autism, and Vadella, who has cognitive disorders. “We want to show that everyone can succeed despite difficulties, and that true success is simply doing what you want.”He explains.

Going forward, the students also designed a disability questionnaire, intended for visitors to the exhibition. And ideas for scenarios. A project they will realize long after their middle and high school years.

For various support (for educational institutions): [email protected]

Science Factor: When middle and high school students innovate for disabilities

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