Science seeks trust

Science seeks trust

The entire health ecosystem is experiencing a real revolution! The data revolution, driven by the complexity of artificial intelligence; It is a revolution in capabilities as well, as existing data is supplemented by an infinite number of synthetic data that the sector must learn to structure and understand while remaining unified. Finally, there is an evolution in the French relationship with science, as this progress must go hand in hand with new acceptance and participation on the part of society.

French and Science: Foiled

The figure recently put forward by scientific sociologist Michel Dubois, in my opinion, testifies to a real contradiction. As the 1980s approached, the majority of French people viewed science as a clear vector of social progress. today, 60% of French We believe that scientific progress brings humanity “as much good as evil” or “more evil than good.” Despite everything, they are 8 out of 10 Always believe that a scientifically validated statement has more value.

“We must understand that the true scientific method is based on questioning. Every scientist, every researcher, accepts the element of doubt.”

How can we analyze these numbers – symbols of the frustrated love between the French and science? There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the French people's relationship with science. We also pass in the question of the results of the science (stable, valid in pairs, source in scientific reviews) in a “course in the publication” that brings to the table, completes scientific opinions and reflects the scientific opinions. General public. social networks,com.infobesitythe fake newswhich has led to increased skepticism about the truth, and sometimes misinformation, which reinforces the criticism directed at institutions and companies that Make And We are Science today.

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Doubt is the essence of the scientific method.

In my opinion, today we are missing the scientific narrative, and we have to understand that the true scientific method is based on questioning. Every scientist, every researcher, accepts the element of doubt. There may not be any scientific thinking beforehand. We do research because we know what we do not know; we ask ourselves questions. The culture of doubt is the engine of scientific progress and the best way to advance in understanding disease and in the response we can face. The acceleration of research that we have seen over the past decade is expanding the scope of questions.

In this period of technological upheaval, scientists, and the precision and reproducibility of their methods, constitute the last walls and safeguards of scientific ethics. Relying on them allows us to understand and demystify science and its medical innovations, to reassure and engage the population.

To be a teacher or not to be

Education is key to better understanding the potential represented by major technological and scientific innovations such as artificial intelligence, liquid biopsy, or even gene therapies. Innovation without risk is a futile wish!

Without it, understanding the global interest of science on the health of patients, in the age of social networks and Accelerates Scientifically, it seems impossible. Without it, the recognition that disruptive innovation constitutes a cognitive revolution for citizens seems impossible! Pedagogy allows the public to project itself into innovation with confidence and to provide the “reason” that allows us, according to Nietzsche, to “coexist with anything.” how. “

It is the coordination between actors of all types – public authorities, patient associations, scientists, health professionals, industrialists – through for example joint awareness campaigns, that will make this scientific culture policy possible to implement.

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The challenge is not to reach consensus, but to make the words of competent people credible.


Reda Guiha has been Country President of Pfizer France since September 1, 2022.
A pharmacist by training, Reda Joyha has worked in various countries including Egypt,
United Kingdom, Italy, United States and France. He joined Pfizer in 2003, and
He held several positions as Director of the Oncology Department at that time
Specialized care based in France. He was also head of the Vaccines Department
For International Developed Markets (IDM). Before assuming the presidency
From Pfizer France, he heads the rare diseases franchise for the IDM region.
Responsibility of 57 countries.
Reda Jouha is a member of the Board of Directors of AGIPHARM and LEEM.
He is also an active member of the French Business Executives Conference.

Foreign Affairs and Presidents Department.

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