Science Experience: A new immersive space between the theme park and the museum opens in Paris!

Science Experience: A new immersive space between the theme park and the museum opens in Paris!

Virtual reality, video mapping and immersive tours … in an area of ​​850 square meters in the heart of Bercy Village, the scientific experiments It invites you to come and travel the wonderful world of science through activities, workshops and experiments! Opening on October 28th!

Come and discover the amazing world of science experiments!

The universe is so wonderful. From the limits of space to the depths of water on Earth, from tangible topics like electricity to more abstract concepts like quantum physics to the extraordinary diversity of life and the complexity of the human body, science is constantly striving to understand what surrounds us. And starting October 28 the flag is coming to Paris! In the heart of the village of Bercy, in a new space of 850 square meters, a space at the crossroads between the amusement park and the museum opens its doors: the scientific experiments. A new concept at the forefront of new technologies, which will reconcile virtual reality, projections and immersive technologies to offer you a real journey in scientific fields… Where a hologram of Albert Einstein will welcome you in the briefing room at the beginning of a path!

Science Experiments Paris Bercy Immersive Museum Workshops Family Room Activities Moon Space Experience Zero Gravity

In total, in addition to the briefing room where you will discover different science experiment spaces, the course constitutes 7 thematic rooms + lunar gravity experience! First, Space Journey will invite you to travel to the frontiers of the universe in virtual reality in a new type of planetarium, before diving into a multisensory world of abyss. Before you end up on the moon, you can run Jules Verne in the middle of the Earth using volcanic video maps, discover the secrets of the human body, participate in games to learn more about Mother Nature, encounter 400,000 volts, and teleport. Yourself like a quantum particle!

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Take your seats now here!

Science Experiments Paris Percy Immersive Museum Workshops Activities Family Rooms Space Nature Earth Experience

Scientific expertise was imagined and designed by a scientific panel made up of the greatest minds in the field: David Elbaz, astrophysicist, Bill Francois, marine life specialist, Aline Peltier, famous volcanologist, Elia Heberley, PhD, molecular biologist, Marie Charlotte Morin , PhD, a biologist and Nicholas Tripps, a researcher in quantum optics. In terms of activities and experiences, the designers from Ame en Science took charge of the project. The result ? An immersive, fun and rewarding journey for all, waiting for you to discover. Don’t miss the opening of Science Experiences on October 28!

Science Experiments: A science theme park in Bercy

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