Sailing: Italy and New Zealand in the America’s Cup

Sailing: Italy and New Zealand in the America’s Cup

The Serena team reached the final with a “light wind missile” and an unusual concept for the captain of the helm: during the races, Olympic Francesco Bruni was from Palermo four times and Australian Heavyweight Cup Jimmy Spethyl substitute.

The 41-year-old won the South American Cup in 2010 and 2013 with the Oracle team from the United States, before New Zealand overcame Bermuda in 2017 with 26-year-old helmsman and forty-ninth Olympic champion Peter Burling. Spithill now wants to return the favor to “Luna Rossa” for her defeat. He knows his opponent well: “Peter Burling is without doubt the best sailor in the world.” Francesco Bruni describes Berling as “a crazy talent”.

The 30-year-old player and Olympic crew, Blair Talk, make up the heart and lungs on board the New Zealand ship “T Rehutai”. The multifaceted kiwi, who wants to compete for medals in the Olympic sailing regatta in Japan in the summer again in the 49er race with Berlin with Eric Hill and Thomas Blossel (third in the 2016 Olympics), is a measure of all that is the America’s Cup.

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