Rowdies.  Special screening of “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Rowdies. Special screening of “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Tuesday, June 6, at 8 p.m., Stanley Kubrick’s cult film will be shown in Room 1 for a total viewing audience.

On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, Igor Sakirov, an experienced cinephile, hosts Plans for the Ritual at the CGR cinema. With a movie showing today and then a discussion at the end. This Tuesday evening, at eight o’clock in the evening, moviegoers will have a date with the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick.

At the dawn of humanity, in the African desert, a tribe of primates suffered frequent attacks from a rival gang, who were disputing a water point. Discover a black monolith The leader of the trapped monkeys inspires an unprecedented and decisive gesture. In the year 2001, four million years later, there was a ship in orbit around the Moon. On board, Dr. Heywood Floyd is secretly investigating the discovery of a black monolith emitting strange signals toward Jupiter.

For Igor Sakiroff, you obviously have to go see this movie! : “Nobody knows what Kubrick wanted to say in this movie… There are legendary scenes, particularly the ship that develops on the beautiful blue Danube… It’s a universal cinematic experience.”

And in order for this global cinematic experience to be complete, so to speak, CGR of Rodez chose to screen it in Room 1. Audiences will be able to enjoy a 4K restoration and Dolby 5.1 digital sound.explains Yann Marie, CGR Director at Rowdies. And to remember: 2001, A Space Odyssey “is a 1968 Stanley Kubrick masterpiece that was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Direction, Best Screenplay, and Best Scenery, and won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.”. So it’s a great opportunity to take full advantage of it.

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But beyond the parallels that can be drawn with current events and discussions about artificial intelligence and GPT chatting, this film transcends the ages, allows you to philosophize about many topics and if you are not yet sure about coming to see the film under the best conditions, you probably know that it is the favorite film of the film A certain Martin Scorcese will convince you!

It is noted that the season of cult plans will end in two weeks with the screening of the movie “Winner”.

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