Roomba i3 + robot vacuum tester: convenience of vacuum base at ‘low’ price

Roomba i3 + robot vacuum tester: convenience of vacuum base at ‘low’ price

Roomba i3 + doesn’t really reinvent the wheel, but it still allows itself some authenticity with its fabric cover on top. However, the center remains covered in plastic, and there are three regular commands that allow the vacuum to be returned to its base and launch a classic or targeted cleaning process without going through the mobile app.

Roomba i3 + features the usual triple of buttons on top

Roomba i3 + features the classic triple of buttons on top.

There is no camera here, unlike Roomba i7 + It is equipped with it. So he is sailing “blind”, but he can still rely on various sensors, particularly at the level of the front bumper, to help him navigate and overcome obstacles.

Multiple sensors help Roomba i3 + detect a vacuum

The drop-resistant sensors can be seen under the bumper of the Roomba i3 +.

Since we’re talking about obstacles, note that the Roomba i3 + is 9.2cm high and will thus be able to pass under most freestanding furniture.

Roomba i3 + is thin enough to fit most freestanding furniture

Roomba i3 + is sized to fit most freestanding furniture.

It also comes with the same suction base as the Roomba i7 +. Its height is about 50 cm and increases the size of the robot by ten centimeters in length.

Roomba i3 + on its own vacuum plinth

Roomba i3 + on its own vacuum plinth.

In short, it will be necessary to provide an area of ​​ u200b u200bapproximately 40 x 50 cm on the floor, not forgetting to take into account the height of the plinth. Good point, this base provides a power cable winding system at the back. So it is easy to hide it if the socket is not far away.

The power cable wraps around the back of the suction base.

The power cable wraps around the back of the suction base.

Contact and application

Once you’ve connected the Roomba i3 + base it of course needs to be connected to your home wifi. To do this, you just need to download the iRobot app, which is available on Android and iOS devices. It accompanies the user well in the various steps to follow, and the procedure takes no more than a few minutes. It is then possible to start Roomba i3 + remotely by asking them to make one or two clips or respect a time limit and program it to clean the house during the specified time periods of the week. It is also possible to integrate the iRobot app with third-party services like IFTTT to use the smartphone location and schedule cleanups as soon as the user leaves the home, but a little more than that.

Roomba i3 + programming options are limited

Roomba i3 + programming options are not very extensive.

If Roomba i3 + delivers maps after every cleaning, it’s only based on its movements. It does not necessarily display entire rooms – it does not show inaccessible areas – and it does not open the way for any programming option as suggested by more complex models with virtual barriers in particular to determine the area to be cleaned. However, the app allows for the ability to follow the status of the robot, to be alerted when it encounters a problem and get maintenance advice, and we will also note a welcome compatibility with Google Home and Amazon Alexa for voice experimentation.

The app provides maps after every cleaning, and gives maintenance tips

Roomba i3 + is very easy to maintain. Like his older brother, he uses rubber brushes to pick up dirt from the ground rather than nylon brushes, which are more likely to get stuck and tangle hair and hair. These brushes are easy to remove and can be partially disassembled. Note that iRobot recommends replacing it every 6 to 12 months.

Roomba i3 + seen from below.

Roomba i3 + seen from below.

Roomba i3 + has an easily accessible complex as well. It is located in the rear bumper, and is extracted using a button located next to it.

A button that opens the complex at the back of the robot.

A button that opens the complex at the back of the robot.

A slot is provided to facilitate emptying, and it can also be rinsed with water once the side filter is removed. So it can also be easily cleaned and replaced if needed.

Roomba i3 + complex ready to empty and clean.

Roomba i3 + complex ready to empty and clean.

Of course, the suction base supplied with the Roomba i3 + is designed to minimize actions with the complex. According to iRobot, it can hold up to 30 days of vacuumed dirt in a bag that can be replaced once it’s filled. We also appreciate the tabs system that allows it to be extracted from the base and seals the bag in passage, thus ensuring that dust does not leak during the process. The only downside is that you have to buy bags. It is sold in packages of 3 for around twenty euros at iRobot.

The suction base opens and deflates very easily.

The suction base opens and deflates very easily.

Also note that the manufacturer has provided a link to the parts and accessories store in their app, and they are also calling attention to the front wheel maintenance and anti-drop sensors in Roomba i3 +.

The side brush and anti-drop sensors should also be maintained.

The side brush and anti-drop sensors should also be maintained.

Without a rangefinder or camera, Roomba i3 + can’t find its way around the room, but that doesn’t stop it from being a little methodical about cleaning it. To do this, he squares the space in straight lines, from one end of the rooms to the other end or in specific areas according to the obstacles encountered. If cables and other small things are not a problem for him – it will still be necessary to pay attention to very flexible cables and other strings that can get stuck in the wheels and brushes – it is clear that large obstacles such as the chair or table legs change course.

Instead of bypassing them, Roomba i3 + usually turns around while keeping the distance traveled in memory for the next round trip trips. Then he waits to cover that area in full width before continuing towards the other part of the room, and start over by moving forward in the same way. Carpets are usually also treated as a separate area. This navigation system may seem a bit rudimentary, but Roomba i3 + is able to forget some areas while rarely returning to where it really was, which it can nonetheless do when it deems it necessary.

The maps on the right show the same space, but Roomba i3 + has undergone some setbacks on the right.

The maps on the right show the same space, but Roomba i3 + has undergone some setbacks on the right.

In fact, with Dirt Detect technology, the vacuum cleaner remembers areas that might require more iron attention. They are also found in the form of small dark green squares on the cards created at the end of the cycle in the application from the movements of the vacuum cleaner. So it doesn’t map out the whole rooms, but it manages to give a good idea of ​​which places have been cleaned or not … provided that it is not disturbed during its cycle to the point of making it lose its orientation.

Overall, Roomba i3 + performs well in most rooms. However, cleaning one surface often takes a little longer than other models, and leaves a lot of dirt in the corners. It would also be necessary to think about clearing aisles for him in crowded rooms.

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