Rhizome, space for creativity, design roots in Morvan

Rhizome, space for creativity, design roots in Morvan

Launched by Laure Girardeau and Antoine Rivière, this creative space permanently welcomes two designers for a one-month stay. Currently, Guillaume Bloget is developing a cherry-wood modular rack and an aluminum kayak, and Mark Cusin, who is developing clothes made of starch fibers produced by a 3D printer.

“The selection is made on file, Laure Girardeau identifies. The designer must present the project he wants to implement, the technological challenge to be faced, as well as the sequence on the area. If a project is selected, we offer the creator full immersion, with theoretical support for technical and technological research and development as well as networking.”

The third place also provides financial support with access to equipment, up to a maximum of 2,000 euros.

Organized compensation at Ouroux Church

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Ahead of the local edition of French Design Week, where visitors will be able to rediscover some of the objects designed and presented in the workshop, the public will be able to take part in the exhibition being organized at the Ouroux-en- Morvan Church, from Friday 15 to Sunday 31 July.

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In Luzy, the third place construction site “Notre Moulin” will be handed over in the second half of 2022

This event, with free admission, will return various pieces produced by the resident creators, i.e. seven designers. Audio accompaniment is provided by Julien Ribeill, sound designer at Gâcogne. During this meeting, which opens on Friday 15 July at 7pm, visitors will also be able to discover the process that led to these creations.

In order to root the rhizome in the territory, its managers organize a dinner every Thursday evening, in order to ensure the mingling of designers and residents of Morvan.

Matthew Villeroy
[email protected]

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