Researchers draw inspiration from science fiction to illustrate the potential effects of human-induced modification of the water cycle
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Through science fiction, a professor at the University of Colorado decided to creatively put forward a collective vision of the potential consequences of human-induced modification of the atmospheric water cycle. This approach is an integral part of the study, which aims to stimulate common interest in the environmental issues facing the world.
Human activities often profoundly – and sometimes destructively – shift natural balances established thousands of years ago. Climate change, for which we are currently paying, is one of the starkest disruptions. Another lesser-known example concerns modification of the atmospheric water cycle. There are several reasons behind this change. Land use is largely responsible for this. This refers to the way humans use the land, including deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive agricultural practices.
All of these activities change the ground's ability to retain moisture and affect the frequency of rainfall. Another practice that can affect the atmospheric water cycle is cloud seeding, involving dispersing substances such as silver iodide into clouds to influence precipitation. Given the changes already observed, a question arises: What are the long-term effects of these practices that affect the water cycle? In a study published in the magazine Global sustainabilitythe expert tries to answer the question creatively.
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A particularly creative scientific approach
For several years, Professor Patrick Keyes of the University of Colorado has been studying modification of the atmospheric water cycle. In order to get a better picture of the long-term effects of these changes, he took a somewhat unusual approach. Keys specifically requested the help of water experts so that they could imagine and write scenarios in the form of science fiction stories. These stories aim to explore the possible futures that humanity could face as a result of these environmental changes. “This approach can help us recognize certain aspects that we may not pay attention to», explains Professor A I reported.
The experts brought in by Keys come from all walks of life, aiming to capture diverse perspectives. They were asked to consider the ways in which current practices will evolve and influence the future. Professionals were encouraged to imagine scenarios ranging from the most likely to the most bizarre and improbable. The aim was to explore a wider range of possibilities than scientific study usually allows.
The participants then developed 10 scenarios in the form of science fiction stories, stories that illustrate aspects and challenges of water management in the future. To complement and enrich the written scenarios, Keys collaborated with artist Fabio Comin, who produced visuals worthy of science fiction scenarios.
An illustration produced by artist Fabio Comin, in collaboration with Dr. Keys, discussing the scientific research implications of human-caused changes in the atmospheric water cycle. © Fabio Comin and Patrick Keys
Imagination as a tool for understanding environmental issues
The study results should help explore how water can be better managed in the future. In particular, they provide insights into potential actions of different stakeholders (governments, businesses, communities) to secure access to water.
Furthermore, the images and stories produced can help the public better understand the impacts of human activities on the water cycle. These elements also enhance common understanding of future challenges in bioresource management. In short, this combination of art and science fiction constitutes a tool that allows us to imagine, understand, and perhaps ultimately respond to the complex environmental issues we face.
source : Global sustainability
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