Report- As schools close, joint work succeeds

Report- As schools close, joint work succeeds

Behind the glass door, faces focus on computers. It’s the first day of the school holidays, but the shared workspace Studio The rue Le nostre, in Rouen, is very well filled. As school holidays progress to stem the coronavirus pandemic, telecommuters are choosing not to stay at home, like Adèle. The graphic designer left her four-year-old son for her ex-partner to come to her office this week. “When I’m at home, I find it difficult to focus and still have to take care of my son, so I have to work later to catch up. “She explained. She plans to finish her current files on vacation with her baby next week.

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Fight loneliness

For some remote workers, working together allows you not to be alone. Xavier is a counselor. He has been self-employed for ten years and prefers co-working spaces To be surrounded. ” Seeing people allows us to avoid paraphrasing our fears, just discussing everything and nothing during a coffee break is a good thingSince this morning, he admits, his son has been on vacation. But for him, his student is independent enough to stay home alone.Either way, whether you are there or not, it will still be glued to the screens“, Flirting.

Companies are reducing office space, so people are increasingly turning to co-work.

Regulars like Xavier are thirty In the co-working space. But with the new restrictions, the venue’s manager, Marine Chalfitt, is seeing more and more new faces. “Companies are reducing office space, so people are increasingly turning to co-work. Last week, for example, three new people came in and received 30-hour packagesFrom now on, there is only one free space left in the place. To ensure hygienic rules, the manager organizes shifts. In general, clients are not No more than six at the same time in places.

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