Quint Fonsegraves.  Anne-Laure-Arruébo media library: the “Racines” space opened

Quint Fonsegraves. Anne-Laure-Arruébo media library: the “Racines” space opened

A new documentary space was opened on Thursday 3 June at the Municipal Information Library Anne-Laure-Arruébo in Quint-Fonsegrives by Jean-Pierre Jasque, Mayor of the city, Robert Schedel, President of the Amicale des pieds noirs Marcel-Lizon, and Elie dos Santos, President of the “Association Quint-Fonsegrives-twinning” (twinning the cities of Quint-Fonsegrives and Leiria in Portugal). We also noted the presence of the Vice-Consul of Portugal and Bernard Solera, honorary mayor on the initiative of this twinning, as well as several elected officials and members of the two assemblies.

Organized with the Marcel-Lizon and Quint-Fonsegrives Jumelages, the “Racines” space, located on the ground floor of the Media Library, presents works, documents and objects relating to the history of these two societies. Some will be available on site, others on loan. Librarians supplemented it with their own money. The “Roots” space has been open since June 3 in Portugal: “Lisbon on April 25, 1974 – the Carnation Revolution”, a landmark event in Portuguese history.

In September, the friendly Marcel-Lizon will open for several months at the media library. You will discover the history of this association and the highlights of its history. Feel free to come and see the space documents, discover the exhibits on display, and discuss people from both associations…

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