Quentin.  This cultural space (finally) has a name… chosen by the townspeople!

Quentin. This cultural space (finally) has a name… chosen by the townspeople!

The cultural space of Les Pieux (Manche) now has a name.  The Pieusais team chose Le Podium.
The cultural space of Les Pieux (Manche) now has a name. The Pieusais team chose Le Podium. (© La Presse de la Manche)

Theatre, music, dance, circus, artist residency…if it iscultural space walk Shows (Channel) Multidisciplinary offer with About fifteen performances per seasonThe institution has not found its name yet. So after Pieusais’s vote population From the territory, it was formally christened “Le Podium”.

Consultation launched by the city council

cultural space for the pious, It was opened in 2012He didn’t have a name before. After, after consultation Launched by the municipality, through the municipal bulletin Summer 2022 And a ballot box open to all. During the evening show of the cultural season, Pieusais chose between these four proposed names: Joséphine Baker, Le Podium, Les Bulles and André Hamel.

After analyzing the results and the consensus of the elected officials during the last meeting of the municipal council, the name “Le Podium” won the majority of votes.

From our correspondent, Laure Ghannam

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