PS5 beta testing canceled due to ‘critical issue’ –

PS5 beta testing canceled due to ‘critical issue’ –

Battlefield 2042 It is going through its first phase of beta test A limited number, but it seems that this will not happen in PS5 Because of an unspecified one ‘critical problem’ Which forced DICE and EA to cancel technical testing on the Sony console.

While the closed beta of Battlefield 2042 has expanded to Xbox Series X | s For the past few hours, in addition to continuing on PC, this won’t happen on PS5 due to this mysterious issue. “We tested our designs in the background on consoles before testing in intersection This weekend, “Community Manager Adam Freeman’s message reads on Twitter, but the beta will not take place on PS5.

“We have identified a critical issue with the design we tested on PS5 and reported it to us will not be implemented PS5 testing this weekend. “The version currently being tested is still preliminary, which is why the developers are careful to specify that it does not reflect the quality of Battlefield 2042 in the final version.

Among other communications from the community manager, there is also the fact that EA is threatening to ban anyone posting videos and information, with particular reference to the gameplay video that emerged from beta testing in progress and also followed by other videos that were leaked on the net.

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