Prostate cancer can be diagnosed through urine – a healing practice

Prostate cancer can be diagnosed through urine – a healing practice

A new method aims to facilitate the diagnosis of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of death for men in Germany. Early diagnosis can improve prognosis significantly. Currently, men have to undergo a painful process, which is itself associated with risks. A German research team is currently working to develop a method by which prostate cancer can be diagnosed using a urine sample.

Researchers at the University of Witten / Herdick are presenting a new screening method for prostate cancer that can improve safety and comfort for those affected. The goal is to replace the so-called transrectal perforation biopsy, in which tissue samples are taken from the prostate, with a simple urine sample. The operation was recently published in the popular magazine.PLoS one” Foot.

How is prostate cancer currently diagnosed?

If prostate cancer is suspected, the standard procedure is a transrectal biopsy. This simple procedure is not only painful for sufferers, but is also associated with a reduced risk of complications such as prostatitis or blood clots forming in the bladder. However, this procedure is currently indispensable in order to reliably diagnose prostate cancer and distinguish it from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which also occurs more frequently.

Urine test saves diagnostic intervention

Working group about Lukas Markert and Dr. Andreas Savelsberg of the University of Witten / Herdecke (UW / H) has now developed the basis for a new procedure in which small pieces of the genetic material from urine can be used to differentiate the two diseases. For this purpose, micro-RNA (miRNA) and Bio-reactive RNA (PIRNA) are obtained from a patient’s urine sample and amplified.

Read the genetic information in urine

These short genetic information particles regulate the transcription and transmission of genetic information, but they cannot translate the proteins themselves. In specialized laboratories, miRNA and piRNAs can be read using a process called “next generation sequencing,” which allows inferences to be drawn about the presence of prostate cancer.

The researchers analyzed more than 2,500 of these tiny RNAs and were able to spot a pattern in them. The data was searched independently by machine learning algorithms developed for this purpose. “If the urine composition changes, he seems to be talking about or against prostate cancer,” says Lucas Markert. This could prove itself as a useful diagnostic standard in urology.

Pain free and risk free

The new form of diagnosis is pain-free and risk-free. “We are pleased with the apparent results of our investigation and hope that they will be used soon,” stresses Markert. However, he notes that only the cornerstone of the new method has been laid. Before it can be used widely, the method has yet to be tested in a larger group of patients. (Fb)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of the specialized medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been examined by medical professionals.


Diploma Editor (FH) Volker Plasik

important note:
This article is for general guidance only and is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or self-medication. He cannot replace a visit to the doctor.

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