Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern marries this summer

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern marries this summer

New Zealand: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will marry this summer.  Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and her fiancé Clark Gifford want to marry.

Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and her fiancé Clark Gifford want to marry. Photo: David Rowland / AAP / dpa. (Source: dpa)

Wellington (AFP) New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her fiancé Clark Gifford have set a date for their wedding. The 40-year-old said on Radio Coast, but without mentioning the exact date.

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“We haven’t told anyone yet, so we’ll likely send out some invitations first,” joked the famous politician, who has been addressing Gifford, 44, since 2019.

Ardern has only revealed that the big day has been planned this coming summer in New Zealand (December 22, 2021 to March 21, 2022). On Wednesday, the country’s media suspected that his daughter Neff could be a flower girl.

In the Pacific state, there has been speculation about the date and venue of the wedding for a long time. Ardern and the journalist Gifford have been a married couple since 2013. Their daughter, Neve T. Aruha, was born in June 2018. This made Ardern the second elected female Prime Minister worldwide to become a mother during her tenure – after the former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 1990.

In October’s parliamentary elections, Ardern secured a second term and won a historic victory with the Labor Party. Its popularity is also due to its successful management of crises in the Coronavirus pandemic. In New Zealand, people have been leading almost normal lives for some time.

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