Pokimane makes his first jacuzzi broadcast with record results – Nerd4.life

Pokimane makes his first jacuzzi broadcast with record results – Nerd4.life

To celebrate his birthday, ImanBoquemanyAnys, along with the entire OfflineTV group, decided to make their first broadcast Twitch Than one JacuzziBy following current fashion, but in a fun way. The broadcast was extremely popular: just think that more than 100,000 people watched it at the same time, setting the record for the genre. After all we are talking about the most famous broadcast device in the world.

Note that the participants on the show were fully dressed (so no nudity), incl the girls, Who wore shirts with gods on them bikini.

Also as a joke, during the evening OfflineTV decided to fill in the water in the jacuzzi to sell, recalling what Belle Delphine did with liquid from one of its bathrooms. In short, it was an evening full of fun and student spirit, complete with candles pouring out into the hot tub.

Of course, OfflineTV’s member initiative does not solve a problem Jacuzzi streamer And people who buy water that have bathed the signs, but at least in this case everything tasted fun.

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