Pokemon Sleep: Bound and with nothing to do, this ‘game’ beats the passivity record for all gatchas

Pokemon Sleep: Bound and with nothing to do, this ‘game’ beats the passivity record for all gatchas

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With Pokemon Sleep, Niantic is thinking outside the box and putting a one-of-a-kind piece of work on the table. In fact, the publisher is playing on the mix between a sleep measurement app and a Pokémon Collection game. And if Niantic remains vague in this design, make no mistake: Pokemon Sleep isn’t an interactive game, and we were surprised there weren’t any activities to enjoy in this new title.

More negative, you die

Behind Pokemon Sleep, there is the idea of ​​”farming” while sleeping. In fact, to maximize your Dododex, you will have to record your sleep sessions to do your research. Which is cool, except the concept has been around for a long time on mobile, in countless numbers gacha gamesWhere it is possible to run an autorun in series… while sleeping!

However, Pokemon Sleep doesn’t offer anything too exciting once you get through the two sleeping sessions per day. And that’s a shame because This “app” can really become a “game” with the help of additional interactions and farmer Frequent work outside of sleep periods.

Restrictions governing the game to become an app

In fact, what determines the fate of Pokémon Sleep and destroys it ad vitam aeternam To remain a sleeping app like the others, this is the extreme shrinkage of the gaming sessions allowed. You can only perform two calculated sleep sessions per day. With the commitment to keep the phone connected to the electric current .. and without using it! Many of the restrictions will put off countless fans who have busy days, but who would have liked to take advantage of this portable Pokémon game in transit, in toilets, and in any short amount of time (oh yeah, because nap times must necessarily be greater than 90 minutes on Pokemon Sleep…).

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So Pokemon Sleep achieves the feat of existence An authorship that imposes an incredible negativity, while resting on limitations (which one might compare to those of Durability on mobile games) is very strong.

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