Pokémon Go’s first trainer, Shundo, surprises everyone

Pokémon Go’s first trainer, Shundo, surprises everyone

A Pokémon Go player wowed the community after snapping an “awesome” Shundo photo during the game’s community day.

Shundos are an amazing phenomenon in Pokémon Go, offering the trainer a fairly powerful Pokémon with the appearance and rarity of a Hundo or Shiny.

After all, finding a Hundo or Shiny in the game is rare enough, but finding a combination of the two is fantastically impressive, and becomes a goal that many Pokémon Go trainers can only hope to achieve.

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Now, one player has achieved the feat, snapping a “cool” Shundo photo during a recent Community Day, sparking admiration and jealousy from the entire fanbase.

Pokémon Go fans are thrilled after catching Shundo during Community Day

While sharing his success on Reddit, one user showed off a Shundo Clamiral epic he captured at a recent Community Day. Furthermore, he then revealed that this was his first Shundo in Pokémon Go and that he had only been playing for a year.

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Of course, catching a rare version of this Pokemon is a little easier during Community Day since it’s more common during the event, but catching a Shundo is still an impressive feat, as the jealousy and congratulations show in the comments. .

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“Congratulations, I’ve been playing since 2016 and I haven’t played shundo yet.” One player explained, proving the newcomer’s amazing achievement, especially since he’s only been “playing for a year” and still managed to have such an impressive companion.

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Others expressed their jealousy in the comments, with one user explaining how they “got two shinies and a hondo, but no shundo! This is awesome!” This shows how rare this combination is, even if the appearance of Pokemon increases.

Finally, one user summed up the community’s thoughts regarding this great shot: “Extraordinary, absolutely amazing.” Sure, many have acquired a Hondo or a lot of shiny Clamirals, but few have been as lucky as this player.

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