Poetry · New Zealand – the most beautiful end in the world

Poetry · New Zealand – the most beautiful end in the world

Travel movie

Peter Sachsenmaier showcases New Zealand's dramatic natural beauty in his travel film. Photo: Sachsenmayer

New Zealand, a dream destination in the “most beautiful end of the world”, is a country of stunning and immersive nature. Glaciers that extend into the rainforest, tree ferns as tall as a man and a variety of wildlife including whales, penguins, kiwi and kea make the dream of a natural paradise come true.

Hiking on the edge of active volcanoes or through tropical rainforests is just as impressive as standing in awe of hot springs or under massive kauri trees. Photojournalist and filmmaker Peter Sachsenmaier got to know and love New Zealand on several trips. He shows the diverse nature and culture of the double-green island in his eventful film at Haarer Kino (Jagdfeldring 97) on Wednesday, November 6 at 8 p.m. Entrance costs 15 euros, discounted 11 euros. The author will personally guide you through the event, give you advice, and will be happy to answer your questions. More information and a preview can be found at www.reisefaszination.de

Article dated October 31, 2019

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