Phishing: Beware of this fake update on Google Chrome that spreads viruses

Phishing: Beware of this fake update on Google Chrome that spreads viruses

A message urging Google Chrome users to install an update that actually hides the virus. Users must remain vigilant.

Google Chrome users should be very vigilant. A phishing campaign, dating back to November 2022, reappears. It consists in sending a message to the main page of the search engine, which invites you to install an update for the browser, in order to fix a malfunction.

If everything is done to reassure Internet users, the aim of this fake update is to invite their victims to visit malicious websites. Then the latter receives a message indicating that there is a problem with the automatic update of Chrome. It is then advisable to install a folder or wait for the next update.

However, some users are deceived and download a zip file, which automatically installs mining software, and hackers often use it. This malicious tool is available in 100 different languages ​​and can therefore claim victims anywhere in the world.

In the face of this virus, cyber security experts recommend that you do not download any unverified software.

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