Pencran’s “Arc-en-Ciel” space upgraded to standard and extended – Pencran

Pencran’s “Arc-en-Ciel” space upgraded to standard and extended – Pencran

Works will soon be accepted in the “Arc-en-Ciel” space in Pencran, which started at the end of 2019. Mayor Stéphane Hervoir explains, “We have had to respect the new recommended standards in terms of safety and health, particularly in kindergartens. Energy savings have also been taken into account.”

Seniors club “Les Amis de la Colline” was crowded due to increased membership. Therefore, the municipality carried out expansion and renovation works.

new rooms

New rooms appeared: the association room adjacent to the bowling alley, the extension of the motor skills room in the extension of the existing building. The entrance and reception have been renovated and made functional for the space: a kindergarten, extracurricular and recreational facilities, and a youth area. The yard has been expanded. Bicycle storage is also planned.

The municipality invested in this process a budget of about 650,000 euros, excluding taxes.

Pencran is especially adapted to the number of children in the recreation center and nursery, while maintaining the intergenerational vocation of the “Ar-en-Ciel” complex.

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