Pechapo.  An invitation to share the public space with every civilization

Pechapo. An invitation to share the public space with every civilization

Some municipal roads that are relatively narrow, sometimes without an equipped pedestrian zone, are considered dangerous due to motorists often overspeeding. The municipality of Péchabou, realizing this dangerous situation, is studying the matter for its reform:

Alley Pierre Paul Riquet, Residents worried about the risks, especially for children, raised their concerns with the city council. The general meeting on 1 October provided an opportunity to discuss these issues in consultation with the local population. Soon solutions and equipment to reduce speed and respect the direction of traffic are found.

Rue du Soleil Levant and Chemin de la Castagnère, Parents of students are invited to park in the places designated for this purpose, so as not to disturb local residents with their car, when dropping off their children at schools.

Chemin du Moulin, This is a bigger problem. Indeed, with the opening of the new College of Escalquens, school transport routes with stations have been modified by the Departments of the Department Council responsible for this administration. As a result, the Chemin du Moulin school bus stop is now located on the rue de l’Autan, and to get there some children have to walk along the sound for a few hundred metres, which is not without parental concern, given the speed of some vehicles on this road crosshairs. Under this situation, the municipality has planned, in the coming days, the temporary development of the shoulders in the Chemin du Moulin in order to secure the movement of pedestrians, pending the completion of the final works. It has actually planned to develop the piers along this route, and its work is due to fall under Sikoval’s remit at the end of 2023.

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While waiting for this work to be carried out, parents are advised to encourage their children to get off at the bus stop in front of the Maison des Association, avenue d’Occitanie, and take the sheltered Chemin Jacky along the entire length.

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