Parler correct internet connected to internet again

Parler correct internet connected to internet again

Those who had supporters of the former president Donald Trump And the American right-wing populace Twitter– The alternate Parler is back online after a forced outage of more than a month. Messages can be sent again on Mondays. Initially, there was contradictory information about whether it was actually possible to create new accounts. Parler was in mid-January after a Capitol storm Washington By Trump supporters Went offline, Because Amazon, as an infrastructure provider, threw the platform off the servers with references to calls for violence. Initially, it remained unclear who was the tech service provider now.

The new platform is based on “independent and sustainable technology,” according to the Internet. According to the news agency, a statement announced the restart Reuters Mark Meckler has also been appointed interim managing director. This replaces former CEO John Matzi, who started in February Issued. In 2009, Meckler had the right-wing group He co-founded the “Patriots Tea Party”.

Parler was launched in 2018 and is home to right-wing extremists and other right-wing groups. Since then, companies like The social networking site Facebook And the Twitter Taking active action against false reporting as well as racist content and glorification of violence, Parler has gained increasing popularity.

After storming the Capitol Washington By the hard-liners supporters of the US president-elect Donald Trump On January 6, it was the internet giants AmazonAnd the Apple, city, cat And the Google Then they cut ties with Parler.

Trump was banned from using Twitter and Facebook after the Parliament building attack. Twitter – which until then was its most important platform – confirmed last week that there was no return to the former president. Facebook is still subject to oversight by an independent body that can reverse the network’s decisions online.

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According to media reports, Parler lured Trump when he was still president – by suggesting that the app be his exclusive communication channel. People in the Trump environment had repeatedly advertised Parler as an alternative to Twitter or Facebook because they suppressed alleged conservative views.

Icon: Mirror

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