Panic attack while filming: The Lord of the Rings actor almost suffocates

Panic attack while filming: The Lord of the Rings actor almost suffocates

Filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy required a lot of actors. Stephen Urey also shared an unpleasant detail.

New Zealand – Filming the epic movie trilogy “Lord of the rings” (2001 to 2003) asked for a lot of actors. Actor Stephen Urey (63 years old) also shared unpleasant details.

Stephen Urey (63) embodied in "Lord of the rings" Den Urg Grischnach.

Stephen Urey (63) played the Orch Greshnach in “The Lord of the Rings”. © Montage: PR / New Line Cinema / IMDb

Panic attacks are never good, but when you have a lot of makeup around, they are worse.

Australian Stephen Orr played Grechnach in The Lord of the Rings. It became especially risky for him during a scene in Part Two “The Two Towers” when there was a fight scene with the Orc and Uruk-Hai.

How IndyWire According to reports, the actor briefly lost his swallowing mechanism due to stress and panic.

“I started to breathe a little bit,” Ur says. “The more I panic, the worse it gets. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I was probably three seconds away from taking off the orc mask so I could breathe again.”

But Ure finally manages to piece himself together and not show anything – not least because of financial reasons, because other than that the entire battle scene was of course ruined.

“Nobody knew anything. That was my little ring. It would have ended terribly. If my face had been torn, the day would have been over. It would have cost tens of thousands of dollars.”

Grishnakh’s ungrateful supporting role also brought with it a second – and somewhat sad – flaw, according to Ure reports. “At the grand graduation party I had worked on all three films and knew all the people, but they didn’t know me. I was just standing in the corner because no one knew who I was.”

However, Ure praised the very elaborate makeup and it was restorative: To look like Orc in the movie, it took four and a half hours at a time for the mask to fully set.

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