Palworld developers plan to add new anti-cheat features

Palworld developers plan to add new anti-cheat features

Ludovic Quinson

The developers at Palworld are well aware of the cheating issues plaguing the game and plan to introduce several features soon to combat them.

Since its Early Access launch on January 19, Palworld has managed to break impressive records in terms of player numbers and sales.

Although it is an open world survival game Pocket pair It received positive reviews on Steam, and it's no secret that cheaters have been infesting the game since its release, ruining the experience for other players.

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One player even shared his experience saying that players in community servers often get robbed from their friends, get their Palboxes destroyed, and even get sent into the sky, among other things.

Fortunately, Pocketpair has issued a statement regarding cheaters on public servers. on them Steam pagethe developers admitted that they are aware of “fraudulent activities” that prevent players from enjoying the game properly.

Flying friends at PalworldPocket up

They said: “As a company, we do not tolerate any fraudulent or fraudulent activity, and we are taking measures to deal with it strictly and as a matter of priority.

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As a result, they are planning to release some features to help combat this. The first is the player roster feature that will be added at the end of February. Although not specified, this appears to be a list of players with the option to report others.

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In addition to the player list function, there is a “External anti-fraud solutionIt will also be introduced and made mandatory on official servers. As for solo, co-op and community servers, an anti-cheat solution will be optional.

The developers said they will continue to “Take strict measures against fraud and fraudulent activities“Though they apologize if”I can't keep up.

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However, they assured players that they are working hard to “bring everyone back to a state where they can enjoy the game comfortably and peacefully as quickly as possible.”

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