On the planet Barbabas, sand rain was observed using the James Webb Telescope

On the planet Barbabas, sand rain was observed using the James Webb Telescope

James Webb He continues to explore space, revealing impressive images. A study published on November 8 conducted by a team of European astronomers in nature It allows us to learn more about an exoplanet located 200 light-years away called Wasp-107b.

This planet is gaseous, its mass is equivalent to the mass of Neptune, and its diameter is close to the giant planet Jupiter Nomirama. If it has an atmosphere, it has nothing to do with the Earth’s atmosphere. It’s hot there, up to 500 degrees in the upper classes. There’s water vapor, sulfur dioxide, but there’s also sand. He warns that if we are nearby, we will smell “a burning match.” Watchman.

Planet Barbabas

This sand is a finer silicate. As in the water cycle on Earth, silicate vapor rises in the upper layers to form clouds and falls as light rain to evaporate in the lower layers at higher temperatures. It was possible to explore Wasp-107b’s atmosphere at a depth of 50 times deeper than what scientists are able to do for Jupiter. This is due to the “thin” characteristic of the exoplanet. Wasp-107b was discovered in 2017, and is also called the “Planet Barbabas.”

Despite that moniker, between the heat and the sandy rain, Wasp-107b is an inhospitable planet, even for a well-equipped astronaut.

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