Omicron variant at the doors of Martinique – all Martinique news on the Internet

Omicron variant at the doors of Martinique – all Martinique news on the Internet

Through a press release on social networks, the Guadeloupe Regional Health Agency announced the first two cases of the Omicron variant in Guadeloupe and Saint Martin.

The Omicron variant is still a few days away, and is fast approaching Martinique. ARS in Guadeloupe just announced the discovery of the first two cases. One in Guadeloupe and the other in Saint Martin.

This is a person from Canada, who is in Saint-Martin, and his PCR test was positive on December 9. She was immediately isolated.

The second unvaccinated person resides in Guadeloupe. “There is no idea of ​​travel in the days before a positive PCR test result. This point is worrisome as it could mean there is local circulation,” ARS predicts in its press release and recalls that the Omicron variant is “highly contagious. This appears to be two or three times greater.” times of the delta variable”.

People who can be contacted are searched for by the ARS, Health Insurance and Public Health France services.

“Many samples evoking the Omicron variant are sent to the National Reference Center in Paris for sequencing. They relate to the doubts coming from Guadeloupe, Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy.”

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