Omicron: Did you know that if you are in contact, your isolation must last 17 days?

Omicron: Did you know that if you are in contact, your isolation must last 17 days?

Restrictive Measures – In the face of the re-emergence of Omicron variant cases and concerns about the implications for the hospital system, the government has tightened isolation conditions for contact cases. From now on, they will have to self-isolate for 17 days if they are infected by a member of their family.

Has anyone in your family had the Omicron variant? If he will be able to celebrate the New Year with confidence after a strict 10-day seclusion, she will be less fortunate than her. Since December 13, treatment for contact cases has been developed in an effort to limit the spread of omicron.

Thus, you will have to self-isolate for 17 days, even if you have been fully vaccinated, the Social Security website points out. This quarantine should start as soon as you get a positive result for someone in your home. For people who do not share a home with the person with Omicron, isolation is 7 days.

All information on

Omicron variant: Planet Alert

Action during isolation

After this enhanced isolation, you will need to have a PCR or antigen test done immediately. If you choose the antigen test, know that if it turns out to be positive, you must have a PCR test within 24 hours, and it is considered a reference test thanks to its great reliability. It will determine the presence of a variable.

During isolation, try to wear a mask as much as possible in your home if you have been in contact with the person who has tested positive and remember to ventilate for at least 10 minutes every hour. Also monitor the temperature yourself and the likelihood of symptoms, with an immediate screening test if symptoms appear.

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At the end of the 17-day isolation period, you will have to retake the test.

What do you do in case of contamination?

If someone in your home finally catches you during isolation, you will have to re-isolate for 10 days of positive testing, respecting all appropriate barrier gestures (wearing a mask at home, washing your hands regularly, ventilation, social distancing, etc..). In the event that you develop a fever at the end of your isolation, it is necessary to wait 48 hours after it passes to be able to return to the outside world and see a doctor.

It is also advisable to continue strict observance of barrier gestures and to limit social contacts in the week following the end of isolation.

Read also

Since February 22, isolation has been reserved for 17 days only for high-risk contact cases. The vaccinated people were not required to self-isolate.

As of December 20, 748 different cases of Omicron It was detected in the province, compared to 3 cases on December 1. Ile-de-France and central Val-de-Loire are the two worst affected regions.

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