No, green eyes are not the rarest!  This is the rarest color (and what percentage of people have it!)

No, green eyes are not the rarest! This is the rarest color (and what percentage of people have it!)

the The eyes are often considered the mirror of the soulIts color arouses great interest from both a scientific and aesthetic point of view. In this article, we focus on The rarest eye colours And the percentage of people who have it in the world.

Factors affecting eye color

Eye color is determined by several factors, including heredity and genetics. everyone Genes are inherited from the parents that determines the color of his eyes. However, it is possible that the color of the eyes It changes little over the course of lifeespecially in young children whose iris is still developing.

Genes responsible for eye color

Several genes are involved in determining eye color, but two of them play a major role: the gene OCA2 And the gene HERC2. The first codes for a protein involved in melanin production, while the second regulates the activity of the OCA2 gene. Together, these two genes determine the amount of melanin It is present in the iris and thus the color of the eyes.

Order of the rarest eye colors

The most popular eye color worldwide Dark brown, with about 79% of the world’s population. Then comes the color blue With approximately 8% of the population involved. Other colors such as green, gray or light brown are less common.

  • Brown color : 79% of the population
  • blue : 8% of the population
  • green : 2% of the population
  • ashen : 1% of the population

Green eyes are a rare color, but not the rarest

Contrary to what one might think, green eyes are not the rarest of colors. In fact only 2% of the world’s population He has this eye color. Green-eyed people are found mainly in Europe, especially in Celtic countries such as Ireland or Scotland.

Gray eyes, the rarest color

Gray eyes

Gray eyes are less common than green eyes. In fact, less than 1% of the world’s population Gray eyes. This color of the iris of the eye is usually due to a low concentration of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for the color of the eyes, skin, and hair.

The concentration of melanin in the iris

As mentioned earlier, the melanin He is responsible for eye color. a Decreased concentration of melanin in the iris leads to a clear eye (blue, green, or grey), while A High concentration gives dark eyes (brown or black). Melanin also plays a protective role against the sun’s UV rays, which explains why people who live in areas with strong sunlight tend to have darker eyes.

In conclusion, the rarest eye colors are Green, gray and light brown, with a very small percentage of the global population affected. These special shapes arouse great interest and are often considered a unique sign of beauty. Eye color is determined by several factors, including genetics and the concentration of melanin in the iris.

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