News of the day: End of the pandemic is within reach / A crocodile eating a child (8) / Video showing the horror of the tsunami

News of the day: End of the pandemic is within reach / A crocodile eating a child (8) / Video showing the horror of the tsunami

Today’s news on Corona pandemic ends soon ?: Who is committed and calling for the end of the Corona crisis
Photo: Adobe Stock / Paopano

The Corona Pandemic Ends Soon ?: Who Commits to and Determines the End of the Corona Crisis

Vaccination passports planned by the European Union have been refused by the World Health Organization. At the same time, the World Health Organization in Europe issued specific forecasts about when the Corona pandemic will end. >> Go to the article

Fatal crocodile attack in Indonesia: Boy (8) ate a crocodile while bathing

A horrific incident is currently shocking the people of Indonesia. A crocodile attacked an 8-year-old boy and ate it while taking a shower. One day later, the boy’s body was found completely intact inside the animal. >> Go to the article

After the New Zealand earthquake: shock video after the tsunami alarm! Thunder wave towards the Gulf

The authorities warned of a tsunami in the wake of the violent earthquake that struck New Zealand. The warning has now been raised. Videos on the network show the terrible moment when the wave is moving. >> Go to the article

Older pedophile in Texas: molestation of a seriously molested child (6) – 20 days imprisonment only

An elderly person who undressed and molested a young girl (6) twice in the US state of Texas received a prison sentence of only 20 days. In addition, the sexual exploitation of children (80) was sentenced to a fine. Why was the judgment so light? >>Go to the article

Luminous creatures in the depths of the sea in New Zealand: bioluminescence! Marine biologists discover mysterious luminous sharks

Marine biologists made a startling discovery on a deep-sea mission off the coast of New Zealand. At a depth of 1,000 meters under the sea, scientists encountered sharks that glow in the dark. They discovered three biologically illuminated types. >> Go to the article

Coronavirus news currently on March 5, 2021: Nearly 10,600 new infections – ICUs continue to groan

Nearly 10,600 new cases of coronavirus were reported within 24 hours by RKI on March 5, 2021. Although the number of infections has decreased, the intensive care units are still full, as current news reveals. >> Go to the article

Attack in Templin (Brandenburg): A crossbow shooter strikes a woman – murder investigation

The Shocking Moment in Templin: An elderly woman was attacked on the street and was hit with a crossbow. After the alleged shooter is found injured, the murder squad investigates an investigation. >> Go to the article

Pictures: sad farewell These celebrities passed away in 2021

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