News from ICF-ICF and Eurovision extend partnership until 2024 |  StaZ

News from ICF-ICF and Eurovision extend partnership until 2024 | StaZ

Photo: Marianne Stinglin / A.

The new highly disciplined slalom is a part too, as the kayaks are not competing against the clock, but against each other. The extreme slalom canoe race is set to begin for the first time at the Olympics in Paris in 2024. Here is a photo from the Olympic site in Augsburg during the boat trip

News from the ICF International Boat Federation

The FIFA President said: “It is a fantastic boost for our rowing sport to work with Eurovision Sport again, with its incredible spread around the world.”

ICF and Eurovision are extending the partnership until 2024

The International Sailing Federation (ICF) is pleased to announce the extension of its long-term media rights contract with Eurovision Sport. The agreement will run until 2024.

International Extreme Slalom

The distribution agreement covers all regions around the world, with the exception of Canada, China and New Zealand, and the partnership between the two organizations spans more than 20 years.

The new agreement, which starts this year, replaces the previous four-year partnership that ended late last year.

Thirteen EBU members have already committed to participating in the new contract.

They are: CT (Czech Republic); DR (Denmark); ARD and ZDF (Germany); MTVA (Hungary); RAI (Italy); LT (Lithuania); TVP (Poland); RTP (Portugal); RTR (Russia); RTVS (Slovakia); RTVSLO (Slovenia); And RTVE (Spain).

ICF World Championships include both women and men and Paracano competitions. Athletes from more than 90 countries participate, making kayaking one of the most popular water sports in the world.

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The agreement includes international championships in various rowing disciplines as follows:

2021-15-21 Sep

ICF Canoe Sprint World Championship

Copenhagen, Denmark

2021-21-26 Sep

ICF Canoe Slalom World Championship

Bratislava, Slovakia

2022-26-31 Jul

ICF Canoe Slalom World Championship

Augsburg, Germany

2022-26-31 Jul

ICF World Extreme Slalom Championship

Augsburg, Germany

2022-03-07 Aug

ICF Canoe Sprint World Championship

Halifax, Canada

2023-19-24 Sep

ICF Canoe Slalom World Championship

Lee Valley, UK

2023-19-24 Sep

ICF World Extreme Slalom Championship

Lee Valley, UK

ICF Canoe Sprint World Championship

2023 – The date is still open in Duisburg, Germany

2024 – History is still open ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships for Non-Olympic Events

Minsk, Belarus

The new highly disciplined slalom is a part too, as the kayaks are not competing against the clock, but against each other. The extreme slalom canoe race is set to begin for the first time at the Olympics in Paris in 2024.

“We are very pleased that we were able to renew our long-term contract to distribute global media rights to ICF,” said Andreas Aristudmo, Head of Summer Sports Rights at Eurovision Sport.

“As one of the most popular water sports in the Olympic program, ICF events are an important part of our portfolio and we are delighted to be able to offer our members free coverage in the air for another four years. With your help, along with other broadcasters around the world, we look forward to seeing The image of sports will continue to grow in the coming years. “

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FIFA President José Perorina said the partnership with Eurovision Sport has blossomed over the past two decades: “It is a great boost for our rowing sport to work with Eurovision Sport again, with its impressive reach across the world,” he said.

“We are very pleased that we can offer such a variety of our specialties via Eurovision Sport in the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. The professionalism and high quality of the Eurovision show will attract a whole new audience Source PM ICF www.canoeicf .com, Photo Boater Cross at the ICF World Cup in Augsburg / A

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