New Zealand will open its borders in 2022 for vaccination |  world |  DW

New Zealand will open its borders in 2022 for vaccination | world | DW

The New Zealand government announced Thursday (12.08.2021) that it plans to allow immune travelers from low-risk countries to enter without quarantine from the beginning of 2022 as part of a gradual reopening of its borders.

The peripheral country, which closed its international borders in March 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, says it will begin lifting access restrictions from the first quarter of next year.

Reopening is based on an individual model that puts travelers entering the country into three risk categories: low, medium and high, ranging from free entry to mandatory 14-day quarantine in government centers, as well as taking into account your vaccination status.

“The low-risk route will allow free quarantine for vaccinated travelers who have been in low-risk countries,” New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in a statement, praising her strong strategy against COVID-19.

Vaccination rate is low

However, those who come from countries with medium or high risk will have to quarantine for up to 14 days, although the authorities intend to start allowing some infected people to keep the isolation period in their homes.

New Zealand, which has relatively low vaccination rates compared to other developed countries, is seeking to accelerate its vaccination program from September for all residents over 16 years of age with Pfizer’s serum.

That country, which stuck a travel bubble with Australia in July due to regrowth in the neighboring country and only allows quarantine-free flights to the Cook Islands, has accumulated less than 3,000 infections since the start of the pandemic, including 26 deaths and is currently recorded. 43 active cases.

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mg (efe, dpa)

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