New Zealand, New Ardern Government: LGBT Prime Minister and First Maori Minister

New Zealand, New Ardern Government: LGBT Prime Minister and First Maori Minister

Wellington – Several of the women, the deputy prime minister are openly gay and a Maori woman with a visible tattoo on her chin, the foreign minister. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda ArdernThe 40 ministers confirmed by the recent elections presented a new government of 20 ministers in the name of diversity.

While Ardern expresses pride in the diversity of his executive positions, he said the appointments are dictated by merit. “She is a treasury of merit, tremendous talent and also incredibly diverse, which I am proud of,” Ardern said, introducing her cabinet. “It reflects New Zealand, which elected him.”

Nana Mahuta, first Maori female foreign minister

A descendant of the late Maori Queen, Te Arikinui Te AtairangikaahuAnd a relative of the current Maori king, King BooksAnd the Nanaya Mahuta(50 years) appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. Behind the hutches of long political experience. Previously he held several departments: Maori development, local government, customs and youth development.

She was elected to Parliament in 1996 for the Hauraki Waikato constituency, in 2016, and became the first member of the European Parliament to practice sports. Mokuo Kwai, Traditional Maori tattoo. Even the former New Zealand Foreign Minister, Winston PetersHe was a Maori. While the Maori was Kelvin Davis He was appointed Minister of Children. The Kingitanga Movement, or the Maori King Movement, has a history of more than 160 years and is an important political presence in New Zealand.

Mokos are very symbolic and contain information about a person’s ancestors, history and condition. Maori tattoos They are a sign of cultural and individual expression and they are Sacred graphics. It is performed with ritaule rituals, by hand in ancient times, now with machines. Mahota said that she does not consider her tattoo will open new horizons: “I thought about my journey in life and how I want to move forward and make a contribution. This is the main thing for me” (Reuters)

Politicians from both sides of New Zealand congratulated Mahota on the nomination. Simon Bridges“This is an important moment on the international level and you will be great,” said the former leader of the center-right National Party. Gülrez Kahraman, 39 years old, born in Iran e As a refugee in New Zealand, where she was elected to the Green Party in Parliament, she described the appointment as an important step towards “decolonizing” the country in foreign affairs.

Grant Robertson, the first gay to the role of Deputy Prime Minister

Ardern’s longtime friend and political ally, Grant Robertson He is the first openly gay man to hold the position of the nation’s deputy prime minister. Robertson, who will also continue to hold his previous position as finance minister, said he tried to be a minister for all New Zealanders and also believes it is important for younger members of the LGBT community to see people they get to know with. They take important roles.

Grant Robertson (Reuters)

“I still get a lot of emails and messages from gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender guys who relate to us because we are role models and the ability to reach positions like that. So I will continue doing my job the way I did. And I’m very proud of that. Robertson replaced Winston Peters.

Compact with the Greens: Climate, Environment and Childhood

The new landslide electoral victory for the forty years Jacinta Ardern The current 40 Prime Minister of New Zealand and leader of the Labor Party since 2017 gave her the freedom to form the first one-party government since the country adopted the German-style proportional voting system in 1996.

With 49.1% of the vote winning 64 of the 120 seats, on October 17, the prime minister scored the largest electoral victory the center-left Labor Party had ever won in more than half a century. Although it no longer needs the support of other parties to govern, alliances are the norm in New Zealand. Ardern offered the Greens two portfolios and came up with new provisions that give coalition partners more freedom.

“We agree with the Greens that we don’t really have to,” Ardern told reporters in a televised address at the inauguration. “This is a win-win cooperation agreement for the Greens,” the party’s co-leader said. Marama Davidson. The two sides will work together on the climate, the environment and the well-being of the children. Before the October elections, the Labor Party was in a governing coalition with the Greens and New Zealand first.

The new parliament is also diverse. Almost half of lawmakers are women, well above the global average of 25% and around 10% are openly gay, thus outperforming the UK where around 7% of members of the House of Commons are openly gay.

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