New Zealand is the place to go if society collapses • Studio Magazine

New Zealand is the place to go if society collapses • Studio Magazine

On Twitter and Instagram the title of an article by vice Which states: “In 1972, the collapse of society was predicted in 2040. According to new data, we are on the right track.” Without going into too much detail, a fifty-year-old study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology titled growth limits (The Limits to Growth) found that industrial civilization is at risk, and to confirm that today, there will be some data collected based on our response to the pandemic. Scientists say that the causes of the collapse may be an irrecoverable financial crisis, a climate crisis, the destruction of nature, or perhaps all of them. What do you do in this situation? Or rather, where do we go? The answers come from some studies that have ranked the best places to live once global society has collapsed.

adaptation‘, word of the year 2018, is the quality that scholars have sought in the places studied, which they say is central to survival and which is nonetheless underestimated by society that instead values ​​the economic efficiency of the place. Thus countries are ranked according to their degree of resilience, That is, “according to their ability to make us grow food, protect borders from potential mass immigration, and maintain the power grid and manufacturing skills,” the preferred locations were islands with a milder climate and perhaps a lower population density.

The first is New Zealand, due to its inexhaustible source of geothermal energy and hydropower. a place where he writes guardianIn the event of doomsday scenarios, some millionaires have already purchased plots of land to build bunkers. Indeed, New Zealand singer Lorde invited us to go to her latest song video.”solar energy‘: He said something like ‘Come here, your happiness begins.’ In the ranking there are also Iceland, Tasmania and surprisingly also the United Kingdom. Regarding his appointment, the professor at the University of Anglia has something to say, he continues. guardianThat is, it is true that the country produces only 50 percent of its food and does not accelerate the development of renewable energy technologies, but it has great potential in dealing with external crises. He says it likely affected Brexit in the calculations, bringing him many points into the “border protection against immigration” category.

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