New Zealand is close to banning cigarettes and tobacco forever

New Zealand is close to banning cigarettes and tobacco forever

New Zealand is considering smoking bans for all people born after 2004 in an effort to make the country smoke-free by 2025. The gimmick is part of a series of proposals under consideration by lawmakers, which include lowering the level of nicotine allowed in tobacco products, banning filters and setting a limit. Lower tobacco price and restriction of places to sell tobacco and cigarettes.

But the government is also considering a gradual increase in the legal smoking age, which may in fact mean that anyone born after 2004 will be barred from purchasing any cigarettes.

2025 is smoke-free

Announcing the plans last Thursday, Aisha Viral said: “We need a new approach. About 4,500 New Zealanders die every year from tobacco and we need to make rapid progress to be able to reach the goal. [del 2025 senza fumo]. Without a tobacco control program, we wouldn’t get there. ”

The right-wing political party ACT criticized the proposals, and said that one of the limitations under consideration – reducing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes – could negatively affect working class smokers who would need to purchase more cigarettes to obtain them. Same result.

“If the government imposes a nicotine reduction, New Zealand smokers who can afford it will spend more, and thus harm those around them,” said Karen Shihr, spokeswoman for ACT.

Small stores, convenience stores and service stations have also shared concerns about banning the sale of tobacco from their companies.

New Zealand has a population of about five million and it is estimated that 500,000 – one in every 10 people – smoke every day. Smoking is responsible for one in every four cancer deaths in New Zealand, and Maori are among the worst affected. Cancer is the leading cause of death for Maori women and the second leading cause of death for Maori men.

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