New Zealand and Italy are still at par in the America’s Cup – water sports

New Zealand and Italy are still at par in the America’s Cup – water sports

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (front) wants to win, © APA / afp / MICHAEL BRADLEY

In the 36th American Cup match, the sailing teams of defending champions, host New Zealand and rival Italy will remain exciting even after the third day.

Each team won a race on Saturday ahead of Auckland, so it is now 3: 3. Seven wins are necessary to win the oldest and most important trophy in sailing.

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli from Italy initially won the first race of the day in asymmetric winds with an 18-second advantage. In the sixth race, New Zealand captain Peter Burling and his crew aboard the Tea Riotai turned the tide and outpaced the rivals by 1:41 minutes. “That was a good end to another tough day,” said New Zealand Olympic champion Blair Tuck.

1,600 spectator boats

Tens of thousands of fans and a record fleet of 1,600 spectator boats provided the Port Regatta and Hauraki Golf Racecourse a stunning backdrop at the start of the weekend. The Trophy duel will continue on Sunday (4.15 AM CET / Servus TV) with Races 7 and 8.

Author: dpa / am


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