never.  Why Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis is betting on everything digital

never. Why Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis is betting on everything digital

To revitalize the city and bring in new residents, a cooperative space was opened in Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis. The aim of this place is to provide co-working spaces with all the IT equipment needed to work remotely.

The collaborative space Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis provides shared offices for people who want to work from home. IT advice is also offered, especially for seniors who are not necessarily proficient in these tools. A new place fully equipped to revitalize the small rural town and thus attract new residents.

Today in the hallway, David Atchee in a one-on-one meeting. Troubleshooting times are for practical questions. This time, he is creating an association website. “I have to redesign our site and I am not an IT stock, which is why I am interested in this kind of service”, explains the Collaborative Space user.

Support towards digital

The goal is to help the often elderly population that is increasingly faced with various digital tools towards autonomy. “We make emergency appointments when people have real problems, we help them for half an hour to an hour and a half if necessary, and then we have workshops for groups of 5 to 6 people where we discuss a very specific topic”David Atchach, Technical Director, Coach, and Moderator at The Atrium explains.

co-working space

The assembly settled in the renovated old priest. This place is for the general public but also for those who need places to work on schedule or all year round. “Soon we will have all the equipment needed for video conferencing and professional meetings. One of the offices will be a co-working space, and thus a co-working space with 4 to 5 workstations. So it’s a collaborative space open to everyone‘,” explains Aurélie Charbonnier, director of the Attribut Association.

There will be a co-working space, training space, free access to computers and living space as well.

Aurélie Charbonnier, Director of the Association l’Attribut

Activate the municipality

in Châteauneuf-Val-de-Bargis, atrium It will contribute to the local dynamism. For this rural municipality, it was necessary to ensure these services, and in particular to bring in new residents, mainly urban and active. “These people have organized themselves to work remotely, so we have a challenge that we have to face in the next two years to put all the people who chose to settle here to rest.”, identifies Patrick Rabo, Mayor of Châteauneuf Val-de-Barges (Southeast).

We have to provide them with all the means we have in the big cities.

Patrick Rabeau, Mayor of Châteauneuf Val-de-Barges

The village of just over five hundred people should see the arrival of fiber by next year, which should boost the development of the lobby with a fab lab (manufacturing laboratory) or a mobile bus to reconcile proximity and digital.

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19/20 of France 3 allocates burgundy Special Edition Thursday October 21 to rurality. What is rurality? What do you represent in terms of population, population? If the city offers facilities and perspectives, is the countryside the perfect place to live?

With many reports and guests, we will try to answer these questions directly from the village of Lux, on the Cote d’Or, from 7 pm.

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