Naming the Social Space of MJC de Gruissan

Naming the Social Space of MJC de Gruissan

Enhanced social ties, development of solidarity actions and support for parenting and educational work are the three axes of the MJC’s social life space.

In January, Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture (MJC) entered the final stage of a social living space labeling project with CAF de l’Aude. A public survey of more than 330 people identified three areas: promoting social connection through knowledge exchange and coexistence, developing solidarity actions through enhancing population participation, and supporting parenthood and education. Action. At the end of March, the rating was a reward for those two years of work.

Under the coordination of Sandrine Bedos, this social living space has already proposed its first measures, namely the minimum service for the children of employees necessary to manage the health crisis (organized by Tahina with the youth center) and with the support of the teaching team from the elementary school but also from the listening and support of the association, which ensured these The assignment for many years, school accompaniment and homework help (offered twice a week during holidays), as well as a weekly digital workshop for children’s parents.

But the social space is also promoting works like the café philosophy that has been taking place a few months ago in video conferencing and the cabanatroc, which will soon be completed, and the decoration will be carried out by teenagers. jeunes accompanied by Narbonnais artist Azba who will raise awareness about recycling things.

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Of course, this is all just the beginning. Improving social bonds through coexistence, solidarity, and education requires communication. A Facebook page has been created for MJC Gruissan Social Space and all project leaders, volunteers and users are encouraged to apply either on the site during MJC’s business hours or by email to [email protected].

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