Mouthiers-sur-Boëme: Flag delivered to the media library

Mouthiers-sur-Boëme: Flag delivered to the media library

They all practiced chemistry as at home, with the same products. In a plastic glass, for example, we put a little white vinegar and sodium bicarbonate: we cover everything with a plastic glove and take note. “Oh! The gauntlet is swollen!” Even Mouthiers Recreation District Director Muriel Langlois, who is accompanying the children this morning, is amazed.

We released carbon dioxide.Paul Baudolt reassures before repeating the same process in a small dish allowing you to clearly see the amounts of bubble formation. The session had begun with another form of magic: balancing a paperclip on the surface of the water: “Usually you should drown!” Young audiences are pretty sure of it, and yet it floats. This is called the surface tension of water.The speaker explains.

Paul Boudault gives all explanations about the products before the trials.
Paul Boudault gives all explanations about the products before the trials.

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As part of the “La Science se livre” process, science workshops are offered in places such as media bookstores, which can also purchase books that allow readers to prolong their experiments without danger. “And to finish, we do the dishes.”Paul Baudolt concludes.

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