More than sixty people were hospitalized in the department

More than sixty people were hospitalized in the department

tomorrow monday, The Health Defense Council will meet To assess the Covid-19 epidemic in France, and to decide on possible new curb measures, such as the obligation to wear a mask on the street, stricter use of a health card or even tightening of remote appeal procedures.

According to government spokesman, Gabriel Atal, the “pollution curve is steep” with “a 60% increase in cases in one week” at the national level. For him, the goal would be to “let the French spend Christmas.”

396.3 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Côte d’Or

In Côte d’Or, according to the latest reports from Public Health France (over the deteriorating week from 26 November to 2 December), the infection rate is currently 396.3 positive cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants. This is it 104 more than announced in ARS’ last weekly update Two days ago.

The number is higher than in Yonne (244.8 cases) and Nevers (262.5 cases), but lower than in Saône-et-Loire and Jura, where the infection rate is rising, with 479.7 and 634.9 positive cases, respectively, per 100,000 residents.

The infection rate in Bourgogne-Franch-Comté was 441.1 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is the fourth most affected region, after Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (543.4 cases), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (530.8 cases) and Occitanie (452.5 cases).

There are 65 people currently hospitalized in the department

In Côte d’Or, according to data from Public Health France on December 5, 65 people, both men and women, are currently hospitalized due to Covid-19. There are 471 via Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

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The government website informs us that there are 46 new hospital admissions per day in the district, including 6 in the department.

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