Monster Hunter Rise 2.0 update published April 28th – news

Monster Hunter Rise 2.0 update published April 28th – news

In addition to the previously announced Superior Rathalos and Chameleos, Teostra and Kushala Daora metallic volcanic update will appear in this, as will the Superior Diablos. Therefore, five additional objectives have been added to new missions to hunt superior monsters already in the game, as well as new weapons and armor. New Event Tasks will also be available for free after an update and can be restarted once downloaded, even offline.

The update will also unlock the maximum Hunter Rank, provided, of course, that you have made enough progress on the Grand Camp Missions. From there, each completed mission will earn the Hunter Rank Points, so you can achieve the required ranking to access the missions related to monsters in the update. Progressing through the Hunter ranks also allows you to unlock new advanced missions (Disaster, Arena, Solo) and craft a special armor, allowing you to borrow a new look without losing your talents and stats.

On top of these free plugins, Capcom will also launch a wave of paid content, as is the case with Monster Hunter WorldYou will be limited to cosmetic options: poses, emotions, stickers, hairstyles, makeup, background music or even the ability to set up the voices of some non-playable characters (Fugen and Minoto for starters) on his hunter. Additionally, changing your hunter’s appearance requires downloading paid coupons, but the former will be offered for free on the eShop.

Capcom is already working on the rest of the program, and concludes by revealing that Update 3.0 will be released at the end of May with several new monsters in the program and a new ending in the form of an additional chapter finale. In the meantime, the full Update 2.0 patch notes are available on file Official site.

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