Microsoft Japan has successfully piloted a four-day week

Microsoft Japan has successfully piloted a four-day week

Throughout last August, Microsoft Japan “It allowed all of its 2,300 employees not to work for five Fridays in a row, without a reduction in salary.”, He explains Watchman.

Furthermore, Microsoft has subsidized leave for employees' families to the tune of $920, says the center-left British daily.

The shortened weeks led to more effective meetings, improved employee well-being at work, and increased productivity by almost 40%, an impressive figure, the company concluded at the end of the experiment.

In addition to improving productivity, the internet giant also saved energy and paper during the same period. The newspaper indicates that the format was appreciated by 92% of employees, citing figures provided by Microsoft.

Other crucial tests

In 2018, New Zealand company Perpetual Guardian demonstrated a four-day week for two months with similar results on productivity and employee morale. Many studies also tend to show the benefits of such methods. study “A study published by the Harvard Business Review shows that reducing daily work time – from 8 to 6 hours – led to increased productivity.”

Microsoft concludes that it does not currently plan to generalize the practice, which remained a test Watchman. But she plans to try the experiment again this winter.

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