Maxime Medard extended for one season, Jerome Kino joins the cast

Maxime Medard extended for one season, Jerome Kino joins the cast

Stade Toulousain’s season is just barely over when the club is already preparing for the following season, delivering two good news for its supporters. First, Maxime Medard’s back is still growing For the year In the best 14 stadiums and the Champions Cup. The player has left uncertainty hanging over the past few months with a season remaining on his contract, so he will honor him until his term.

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Jerome Kino in the frame

Second big news for Tolosin Stadium, All Black legend double world champion Jerome Keanu must join the club’s staff from next season. Unlike Maxim Medard, the New Zealander no longer doubts he will retire at the end of the season.

Perhaps Jerome Keanu should take care of the youth categories.

Therefore, there is one match to be honored for Jerome Cainault, third grader, on Friday at the Stade de France for the final of the Top 14 against La Rochelle, reshaping the Champions Cup final with the key to a potential European Cup double. to Toulouse Stadium. Thanks to the expanded scale, 3300 supporters of Toulouse They will also be able to go to the field and support their team.

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