Luxeuil-les-Bains.  About twenty artists will be exhibiting in the Labiénus . space

Luxeuil-les-Bains. About twenty artists will be exhibiting in the Labiénus . space

After the prestigious festival of art and heritage that took place at the beginning of September, the association Art dans la rue again mobilizes and organizes, on November 27 and 28, an exhibition with the attendance of 26 artists.

The first edition was held in February 2020, before the first confinement. “Winter is long. We said to ourselves, why don’t we organize an exhibition just before Christmas, “explains association president Jean-Jacques Bardinier. Through this gallery that brings together painters, photographers, sculptors, portrait painters, and ceramicists, visitors will have the opportunity to discover many works of artists from the region. Faithful to the Festival of Art and Heritage, including three artists who won awards during the last session. Eric Fortier de Ponce (Sculpture Award), Alexandre Regent (Painting Award) and portrait painter Celia Donzer (General Award). But also fresh.

I offer above all to show my work, you have opinions, but also criticism, so that I can develop

Dominique Julibois, modeling

Dominique Jolibois, 56, from Saint-Sauveur, will be participating in an exhibition for the first time. “Above all to present my work, to have opinions, but also to criticize, in order to be able to develop.”

oil paintings

After he stopped painting for several years, he touched it with a brush nine months ago. Makes oil paintings. Among his paintings, several historic buildings in Luxeuil-les-Bains: the House of Cardinal Jouffroy, and the Échevins Tower. But also the landscape. “I walk down the street, I take pictures. I look at the shadows and from there I make a drawing and I put on the colors.”

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In his works he tries to be as realistic as possible. While Dominic is painting, he doesn’t think about anything else. “It’s serious work, but fun. I find what I did when I was younger.” In the space of Labiénus, Dominique Jolibois will present dozens of paintings.

free entry

free entry. “What we want is to make art accessible to everyone, to make Luxeuil known and for these exhibitions to serve as a springboard for artists. Luxeuil is one of the ten best festivals in France,” says Jean-Jacques Bardinier. Each participating artist will receive a welcome gift. The General Prize and the Fine Art Giant Prize will be allocated. Winners will receive free space for the Art and Heritage Festival in September 2022.

An exhibition in the space of Labiénus, in Luxeuil-les-Bains, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 November, from 10 am to 7 pm, organized by the Association Art dans la rue. free entry. Mandatory health clearance, bracelets will be delivered at the entrance.

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