Lonely Planet has published lists of travel destinations for 2022

Lonely Planet has published lists of travel destinations for 2022

10/29/2021, 5:53 PM29.10.2021, 19:31

It is well known that hope dies at last. Which is why, after a year-long break, Lonely Planet Verlag has once again published a ranking of its latest travel destinations for 2022: “After a forced respite, it’s time to take your long-awaited travel plans off the shelves and put them into practice,” said Tom Hall of Lonely Planet.

He adds: “Rolls celebrate the world in all its fascinating and seductive diversity.” Depending on the course of the pandemic, Lonely Planet’s menus will serve as inspiration for a real or just dream trip.

Top ten country travel destinations for 2022:


Top 10 Country Travel Destinations for 2022

Source: Getty

New Zealand amusement above first place

Lonely Planet has ranked Auckland (New Zealand) the most important destination in the city. This honor caused amusement in New Zealand. Because anyone currently trying to visit the closed city risks paying a heavy fine or even a prison sentence. “Maybe it means that the rest of the world is doing really badly.”wrote a New Zealand citizen on social media.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff was somewhat enthusiastic about the top ranking: “This will give Auckland’s tourism and hospitality sector a real boost once the borders are open again.” However, it is not known when New Zealand will ease entry restrictions. But one can always dream:

Top ten travel destinations for 2022:


Top 10 Cities Travel Destinations for 2022

Source: Getty

Lonely Planet

In 1973, British couple Tony and Maureen Wheeler published a travel guide called Across Asia on the Cheap. Little did they know then that this guide would become the cornerstone of a global travel brand called Lonely Planet. Nearly 50 years later, its travel guide empire, Lonely Planet, has become one of the most influential in the world.
The group is now owned by the British BBC. Each year, Lonley Planet publishes its Best of Travel compendium and selects the top ten countries, cities and regions around the world.

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