Live – Covid-19 in France: 26 deaths in 24 hours, 6,802 people in hospital

Live – Covid-19 in France: 26 deaths in 24 hours, 6,802 people in hospital

Health Corridor: The Senate’s first green light but…

The new health bill was approved last night by the National Assembly, and received its first green light from the Senate on Friday, in committee. However, parliamentarians stipulated the extension of the health permit to restore the state of health emergency. The bill is based on extending the transitional system for a gradual exit from the state of emergency until December 31.

Therefore, an amendment was adopted in the committee declaring a state of health emergency until October 31, which stipulates the possibility for the government to limit its application, by decree, to certain regions. In the latter, the health card can relate to everyday places (cafes, restaurants, etc.). On the other hand, for areas where the government decides to exit the state of health emergency, the health card will be applied only in places of large gatherings (stadiums, festivals, etc.).

In addition, stores and shopping centers have been excluded from the scope of this new mechanism.

Finally, senators eliminated the possibility of firing employees from places subject to health clearance who do not provide it. They considered the suspension to be “deterrent enough”.

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