Let’s begin the joint construction of the Salitar space project on Ellen

Let’s begin the joint construction of the Salitar space project on Ellen

On December 5, the first informational meeting was held with a participatory approach to define a development project for the Salitar space.

The area of ​​Salitar, a former college, is now owned by the municipality and has already been opened in a park version and a reception area for many outdoor activities. The approach, presented by Nicola García, Mayor, Elected Officials Guillem Cairol, Responsible for Salitar Space, Sylvain Kandel, Responsible for Participatory Democracy, accompanied by dozens of Local Elected Officials, is as follows: Open a citizen hierarchy that connects residents to build the future project of this site.

They met

It is a group of 13 hectares including the Old College, Sports Complex and Sports Grounds open for contemplation, with particular emphasis on the buildings and outdoor spaces of the Old College. With technical constraints (asbestos removal and flooding) and financial constraints (implementation of the project in phases over several years). And with a few general goals: to allow people to come together and strengthen intergenerational bonds, to contribute to the city’s resilience in the face of climate change, and to allow residents to gather at events, celebrate, create, and take care of themselves. And his body.

65 of the attentive and collaborative participants asked questions about the project. Then they worked in small groups to start coming up with ideas and leadership. It is collected by Common Frequency, an organization that supports the City in this participatory approach. They will feed into the Egis Design Office which, with the assistance of the Directorate of Territories and Seas (DDTM), will contribute to the project formation and the following participatory phases. It will be carried out by a working group made up of residents volunteering or chosen by lot, members of the Population Council and Youth Advisory Council, association representatives, elected officials and municipal officials.

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See you in January for next steps, and on the Elneitizens platform for ongoing information and potential contributions.

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